Azonic riders @ Dirt Castle
Oszkar Nagy invited selected riders to his Dirt Castle event in Kisvárda/Hungary. The AZONIC team showed up with Bernd Winkler, Adam Glosowic and Markus Saurer to show their dirtbike skills. Finally all three of them reached the final and placed in the Top10. After the event the riders sent us some reviews…
Bernd Winkler – 3rd place
« The setting for the Contest was awesome. First there was a big step-down in front of a castle and the next big jump was built in the middle of a lake. In training I had a few problems with wind and speed, etc but in the evenning on the main event the wind was better and everthing went well. I´m really happy with the result. I had so much fun in Hungary and big thanks to Oskar Nagy for making this event possible. I´m pumped for next year! »
Adam Glosowic – 6th place
« When I first saw the course setup on visualisation from Oskar Nagy I was super stoked. Jumps were pretty big and what was the most interesting for me that the first jump was built on lake. This was something new for me. When I came to Hungary after an 8 hours’ drive we went to the course, it looked nice. There was step-down and three jumps in line. The jumps weren’t very technical but it was very hard to keep right speed for the first jump after the step-down, because the platform was super long. After some practice runs I felt quite comfortable on the course but qualies didn’t quite go as planned. The finals were much better and almost everything went as planned (except the last jump), and I was super stoked with my run ending up 6th. Could’ve been better but I had a great time in Hungary! »
Markus Saurer – 7th place
« I had again a nice weekend at the Oszkar Nagy’s Dirt Castle contest, next to the Kisvarda music festival! The course was nice, weather was great and a huge crowd! We had a step-down and 3 doubles to fight it out on! I felt really comfortabel on the jumps. So reaching the final easily with a chilled run. In the final I did a first solid run. Step-down = flip, Jump 1 = flip-no-hand, Jump 2 = flip-bar, Jump 3 = 360-tail-whip. In my 2nd run I wanted to step it up, but I lost my lense after flipping the stepdown and had to quit my run. So annoying, but I still ended up 7th and had a lot of of fun! »
1. Oszkar Nagy2. Eric Walenta
3. Bernd Winkler
4. Tisza Gergo
5. Gargya Tamas
6. Adam Glosowic
7. Markus Saurer
8. Dan Miller
9. Horvath Ferenc
10. Marcin Rot
11. Filip Soczynski